Some "new" things have caused a slow down in our adoption. I say "new" because I am told they really were supposed to be happening in every adoption but were not. It has been this lack of following a standard set of rules that has put a big question mark between US and Ghanaian official as far as adoptions are concerned. They have now reinforced these rules and made some stricter guidelines in hopes that it will help make the adoption process more clear and lift the standard of Ghanaian adoptions.
Three major things are...
1. Only certain trained Social Welfare officers can handle adoption cases. There will be six of them in Accra.
2. A child must be in the adoptees care for 3 months prior to filing the adoption. This means that we can not file our adoption with the courts until the 24th of July. (supporting your child while they are living with a foster parent counts as "in your care")
3. I was also told that Ghanaian Social Welfare is considering signing the Hague treaty which will make it necessary for those who adopt from Ghana to follow the standards and protocol of the Hague.
All this will change the way adoption are done in the future and hopefully help protect the child and families from those with ulterior motives.
So, I have 2 weeks to sit and twiddle my thumbs until our court date. The past week has had a toll on me already and I am dreading two weeks more of these same feelings. I need to fill my summer days up with lots of fun. Hmmmm. I do have a room to paint but told myself I would not paint it until I filed my i-600's. I think I will throw a baby shower for my friend. Maybe plan a girls night out. Maybe I can head up yet another service project to rope my friends into.
Anyone have any other good ideas of how to pass this time?
stand by me.
2 years ago
hey aimee, have you thought of making a life book for the boys? you could leave blanks for their memories, places for photos, but for me, that is a project that will take some thought...i also have a miracle journal i've been writing for this journey, you could compile all your posts that relate to it, and have a story of the journey...around here, i am getting to all those projects for the kids I have here now, which have been on my albums, memory journals i'm updating, dates with each of them, (I spent sat. riding a great old wooden rollercoaster at the nearest amusement park with my 8 year old), painted my living room, we're laying tile soon does school start? can you do pre-school-shopping trips with all those girls? that should take a few days...we're praying for you that time will ya. about a playdate? we can spend the day baking and eating/giving away the fruits of our labors? our kids need to play together anyway!