This mothers day I celebrate my own sweet mother who gave birth to me, raised me through trailing circumstances and helped make me who I am today.
I also celebrate the Best.Mother.in.Law.anyone.could.ask.for. She is one of my biggest supporters and greatest friends. I never feel judged by her or "not good enough" in anyway. I LOVE HER!
I am blessed with a Nana who loves the heck out of me. She is a huge blessing in my life.
I have Aunts and good friends who have filled the role of "Mother" here and there, through out my life. I am thinking of them too, today.
But this Mothers Day holds a special meaning to me because of a new mother in my life. MameGhana, who watches over my little Ghana men. She has no obligation to do it. Except that she feels it is the right thing to do. She is my sister. I am grateful to her. The first time I spoke to her I was overcome with tears. She said "No worries. No worries, I will take care of your boys for you until you can come." Her voice is like an angel to me. Today when I made my Sunday call they put the boys on. It was the first time I spoke to them since I was in Ghana. The first time I ever even heard their voices because they did not speak much at LH. I don't even know if they remember me. They said "Hello, mummy. How are you" It was the greatest Mothers Day gift they could have given me. Thank you MameGhana.
I am trying to prepare myself for the long road ahead. I have had an extreme amount of excitement and happiness but I know that getting those boys will be one of the hardest trials of my life. Each day seems like a week. But my calls each Sunday will get me through to the next.
It's a good day.Happy Mothers Day!
stand by me.
2 years ago
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