Okay, so I have been dying to put pictures on here of my Little Ghana men. So Tah Duh...Here they are looking so snazzy in their new Sunday best. Kudos to MameGhana and PapaGhana for picking the red power ties. My favorite color for a tie. Look how handsome Big Man is! He is going to be running a boardroom someday or maybe even be the President of good ol' US of A.
This look of admiration is not uncommon with Little Man. HE. LOVES. HIS. BIG.BROTHER. I have a few pictures were he just looks at him so content and proud. I am proud! I am SOOOOOO Proud. R and I were thinking just last night...How much will they remember? We tried to think of the detail we remember from our own lives when we were their ages. Even living with their foster family now is a huge lifestyle change. The hustle and bustle of the big city is so different from the squaller were they came from. I think it will make the culture shock of coming to America a little easier for them.
Wonderul PapaGhana sent me primary pictures too. I am grateful for the gospel and the constant it brings with it. They will go to primary in Ghana and go to primary in America. Songs will be the same, lessons will be the same, structure will be the same. That is huge blessing to us.
Vera sent an email to PapaGhana, unbeknowist to R and I. I did not realize until he responded to her. She thanked him for taking care of her brothers and told him she already loved them so much. It made me cry. My children never cease to amaze me. I am so blessed to be the mother of such wonderful kids.
I am also so grateful for technology. I can get a hold of PapaGhana in a matter of seconds. He is able to send me pictures he just took that morning. Even though I am far away I have moments that I am able to feel very close to them.
I am grateful!
I am happy!
Life is Good!
Love the pic Aimee & love those beautiful brown smiles :)))